Friday, March 09, 2007


The dark side of Saturn is very interesting. It almost looks like reversed color. The cassini spacecraft, which orbits Saturn, took this picture.

APOD 3.6

I like this one because I continuously forget about it on APODs. It's very nice, which is probably why they used it for Valentines Day.

APOD 3.7

Here is a nova, which is a white dwarf sucking the debris from a dying star, causing it to become very bright, therefore newly visable from earth.

APOD 3.8

Here is a star-forming region, like we have learned about. The color comes from ionized hydrogen, which forms to create stars.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Iridium Flare

I tried looking for it, but didn't see it. Either the trees or clouds were in the way. I was on my roof, the highest point of the house and still couldn't see. There were a couple of planes that seemed to move very fast that I thought maybe were it, but they were blinking. Afterwards my dad and I looked at some stars, the usual winter ones of the group around Orion.